Dr. Octavio Lisboa

Avian Specialist

Dr. Octavio is an experienced Avian Specialist who graduated from Serra Orgaos University in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2006 with a degree in Wildlife Medicine. Since 2009, he has focused exclusively on Avian Medicine and has treated a diverse range of birds, including Falcons.

Dr. Octavio is considered a pioneer in Integrative Avian Medicine, where he specializes in orthopedic cases. His philosophy of care emphasizes taking a holistic view of the entire organism rather than just focusing on a specific problem. Dr. Octavio believes that this approach is critical to achieving optimal results in veterinary medicine.

With his exceptional knowledge, expertise, and dedication to his field, Dr. Octavio is highly regarded in the Avian community. His passion for avian medicine drives him to stay current with the latest advancements in the field and provide the best possible care for his patients.